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I LOVE Books

Books to love. This week I featured a handful of books that I have read and re-read many times over the years. Here’s an overview

The Value of Sleep

What Value Do You Put On Sleep? Healthy, high-achieving leaders must redefine their relationship with sleep to ensure the longevity of their own health and

Do Great Leaders Take Breaks?

“COVID doesn’t take a break” was a phrase used by one of my executive coaching clients last week. He was not the first one in

10 Tips for Leading During Crisis

Leading through crisis requires LEADING. Leading is not to be confused with managing. If you focus on managing, you may find yourself over-controlling things and

The Women of the World

The women in our lives are the women in our bones We’ve known them for millennia because they birthed us, bathed us, launched us, and

What is LeadWell?

What is LeadWell? We are getting lots of questions about our LeadWell event on May 20th. Specifically people are wondering if you have to be

Pretender in the Mirror

At some point in our lives, personal and professional, we have to face the pretender in the mirror. Some of you are slightly annoyed that